Message From The President

Dr (Mrs) Teo Li Bee

Local WSCS chapters

There are thirty-seven Local WSCS Chapters across the Methodist churches in Singapore. Together, they form the three components of the General Conference WSCS, namely the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) WSCS, Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) WSCS and Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) WSCS. CAC WSCS comprises thirteen Local Chapters; ETAC WSCS, eight Local Chapters; and TRAC WSCS, sixteen Local Chapters.

Click here to see the WSCS’ Structure.

Our History in Brief

The Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) had its origin in the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS) of the Methodist Church in the U.S.A. which was formed in 1869. Women missionaries were sent by WFMS to countries across Asia, Europe and South America to start schools and develop education for girls and women. They also looked into their welfare and taught them the Bible.

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The WSCS ministries centre on four main pillars to help Methodist women find a place of belonging where they can serve God, grow together as sisters in Christ and encourage each other in their Christian walk.

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