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Our Affiliation
Our Affiliation
General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service (GC WSCS) is affiliated to the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW) and belongs to the East Asia Area (EAA). One of our leaders, Mrs Laureen Ong, was the President of EAA from 2011 to 2016. Our participation in their leadership training programmes has helped forged friendships with Methodist women within the East Asia Area of Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea and Taiwan.
The WFMUCW (formerly known as World Federation of Methodist Women) is a fellowship of such officially recognised groups of Methodist, United and Uniting Church Women organised in Units from the respective participating nations to affirm its purpose “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”. There are altogether 90 Units in 71 countries with over 3.5 million members, grouped within nine geographical Areas.
Each Area will hold an Area Seminar once in every Quinquennium. It will be a time of bonding, Bible Study, learning and fellowship. During the Area Seminar, new leaders will be elected for the next Quinquennium and the elected officers are installed at the next World Assembly.
GC WSCS (Singapore Unit) observes the annual World Federation Day which commemorates the signing of the original Charter on 26 October 1939 of the World Federation of Methodist Women. The observance aims to unite Methodist women in common studies based on the previous World Assembly’s Resolutions and emerging world issues; and to help engage World Federation members in study and action arising from these issues.
A quarterly newsletter, The Tree of Life, is published by the WFMUCW. For more information, please visit their website at www.wfmucw.org.