
Our Observances

Thanksgiving Service

GC WSCS begins each new year with a Thanksgiving Service, usually on the first Saturday of January. It is a time when WSCS women from the 3 Conferences gather to render thanksgiving to Almighty God for His faithfulness and goodness, and to pray for His leading and guidance in the year ahead. The focus of the celebration centres on the theme for the new year.

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer (WDP) is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome all to join in prayer and action for peace and justice on every first Friday or Saturday of March. It brings together people of various races, cultures and traditions from over one hundred countries and across seven regions to observe a common day of prayer.

Holy Week Meditations

Holy Week is observed during the last week of Lent, the week preceding Resurrection Sunday. Holy Week Meditations are prepared to guide WSCS women focus on their relationship with God, bringing into rememberance the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His victorious resurrection. WSCS women are encouraged to have a time of self-examination and reflection, and to recommit themselves to holiness. The meditations are to help them appreciate anew the cost of grace and the victory of the empty tomb.

WSCS Sunday

WSCS Sunday is observed in May each year to honour God’s faithfulness and mighty works displayed in the various ministries of the WSCS. Blessed by His grace and love, the WSCS women serving in Witness & Evangelism, Discipleship & Nurture, Outreach & Social Concerns and Missions work seek to serve others by touching lives and reaching out to those around them. The offerings collected on WSCS Sunday from the 3 Conferences are channelled towards helping the poor and the needy.

Week of Prayer and Self-Denial

The Week of Prayer and Self-Denial (PSD) was started in 1887 and is observed during the second week of September. This observance calls WSCS women to spiritual growth, awareness and action. Through it, women are challenged to engage in prayer and to reflect upon stewardship as they respond to the needs in the home, church, community and the world at large to fulfill God’s mission. PSD Meditations, prayer and giving have been its central focus. WSCS women are encouraged to increase their self-denial through sacrificial acts to bless others. The offerings collected from the 3 Conferences are placed in the PSD Fund for the above-mentioned needs.

World Federation Day

World Federation Day commemorates the signing of the original Charter on 26 October 1939 of the World Federation of Methodist Women. This observance aims to unite Methodist women from all over the world in common studies based on the previous World Assembly’s Resolutions and emerging world issues; and to help engage World Federation members in study and action arising from these issues. Each year, one of the nine geographical Areas is responsible for preparing the World Federation Day Study Program with resource material and suggestions for its observance. The offering collected from World Federation Day is channelled to the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women.
